List of rejected project concepts and proposals

From Blue Gold Program Wiki
Date received Name of applicant Proposal topic
24/03/2015 EcoStories Improved Cooking Stoves
22/06/2015 Winning Agro TA on calf rearing and product placement
22/07/2015 Twijnstra Gudde Study wind and tidal energy
17/09/2015 MetaMeta Biological rodent control
03/12/2015 Matrix Consultancy Strengthening cattle supply chain
01/03/2016 Patuakhali University Carp & Tilapia hatchery
21/03/2016 Practical Action Crab market study
07/05/2016 Dutch Water Partners Feasibility study on commercial water filtration
10/02/2016 Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (part of GIZ ) Collaboration on improved cookstove dissemination
23/12/2015 Witteveen & Bos Scoping mission on small scale dredging
24/09/2016 JADE Study on sheep rearing feasibility in BGP
25/09/2016 BASD Women Empowerment – Fostering Entrepreneurship of Organic Vegetables and Fish
23/09/2016 Wageningen University Information service for water logging
10/06/2016 Next Billion Mobile movies Blue Gold platform
03/10/2016 LCP Potato processing in BG polders
16/06/2015 BARI Hydroponics
20/07/2016 BARI Irrigation technology
04/04/2016 Classical Handmade Products Handicraft production Sathkira
09/06/2016 Urban Wetlands Floating Units for Sustainable Water treatment and Agriculture
02/06/2016 Center for River, Harbor & Landslide Research Climate based adaption against riverbank failure
14/07/2016 Multisourcing Digital Farmer Field Schools
20/07/2016 SPS Non-electric fridge
08/09/2016 North South University Application of hybrid dryer for agriculture purposes
14/08/2016 BAU Turkey Rearing
25/09/2016 Errorlab Automatic solar irrigation system
05/10/2016 Lalteer Off-season vegetable production
20/12/2016 FlexBase Floating Agriculture
11/01/2017 Kaizen CR Digital Marketplace
03/06/2017 Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Water fowl (ducks) for food and nutrition security and income generation
30/05/2017 Practical Action Scale-up of aqua geoponics
22/06/2017 Prottyon Strengthening resilient agriculture and diversified livelihoods for enhancing food security
08/07/2017 SAE Import & Export Linkage network of international farmers
09/07/2017 PEACE Livelihood development for vulnerable women
09/08/2017 Trimpact BV DevSAT collaboration for development sector
10/08/2017 SISEER foundation Introduce climate resilience agriculture in coastal area
31/08/2017 Rexil-Agro BV & BAU Silicic acid agro technology (SAAT)
01/09/2017 Klerkx Training and Gelukkige Training services
05/09/2017 Uitgeverij Tattwa Booklets
09/10/2017 eProd Solutions Software for agricultural production
12/03/2017 Nice Foundation Developing pig-mear value chain
06/03/2017 Aid Environment Feasibility study on enhancing water availability
25/05.2017 BOP Inc VR in training
29/08/2017 Edam Kistemaker Windmill for polder areas
05/09/2017 Silverpit Port Maritime Maintenance and repairs maritime/ technical equipment
19/06/2017 CDR International MAR upscale for agriculture irrigation
11/07/2017 Geophix Fish friendly treatment pumps to improve water quality of surface water bodies
09/09/2017 DoubenConsult Low-cost water level monitoring network
21/05/2017 SHARE Bangladesh Women Empowerment in Agriculture
09/07/2017 WUR Plant International Extra K+ fertilization for watermelon and mung bean
08/08/2017 Huizing Harvest BV Mechanisation solutions
27/08/2017 VSO Youth Business Support Consultants
12/09/2017 Seolfor Moringa plantations
20/09/2017 BioMyGreen Organic seed coating with Mycorrhiza yeast
30/09/2017 FarmerTree Services & Away4Africa Polder Farm Planner
23/10/2017 Eijkelkamp Soil testing kits
27/12/2017 SUNFARM Sunflower cultivation
27/12/2017 TECH-GEN Smart Poultry Farm
28/12/2017 Regen Waste management
30/01/2018 SACO Enterprise Strengthen WMGs through involving in community agro-business development.
31/01/2018 PSTU, Dr. Moazzem Hossain Cage culture technique of stinging catfish
05/03/2018 FutureWater Potential FutureWater innovations for Blue Gold area.
15/02/2018 Single Spark & BoP FeedCalculator: Empowering smallholder livestock and fish farmers in Khulna and Sathkira district
16/02/2018 PSTU, Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain Mondal Crab fattening
08/10/2017 Aspire & Insects4All Insect Fish Feed
17/04/2018 Witteveen+Bos Salinity and waterlogging control
30/04/2018 Nice Foundation Community-based production of the plant ‘moringa oleifera’ (sajna tree) to promote livestock farming in south-west BD.
02/06/2018 PSTU Embedding Crop Diversity and Sustainable Intensive Crop Production Systems in the Polders of the Coastal Zone
15/03/2018 Khulna University NutriVITA: An integrated approach for socio-economic development of the marginal fish farmers through species-optimization using low-lost feeds
12/07/2018 C4RE Foundation Community based sustainable bio energy systems  for  biogas production from water hyacinth
12/07/2018 AID Foundation Turning Pestilence into Promise: Revitalising Coastal Polders Through Holistic Community Based Management of the Canals
05/03/2018 Acacia A new design for Managed Aquifer Recharge for Agriculture
10/05.2018 PEACE Cage culture would be the alternative livelihood option of rural poor women in Polder Community
28/05/2018 Ideal step for sustainable development (ISSD) Strengthening Women’s Ability for Sustainable Livelihood
31/05/2018 PSTU Improvisation of Homestead Plantation towards Disaster Resilience and Nutritional Security in the Coastal BGP Area
15/07/2018 Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) Management of excessive water hyacinth in selected water bodies and assessing their potential re-use of waste water treatment aimed at eco-friendly livestock/poultry feed production for sustainable livestock development in Bangladesh
15/07/2018 PARIBARTAN-Khulna Establishing an effective water hyacinth control mechanism through alternative agriculture knowledge sharing amongst farmers in the BGP area in Patuakhali    
15/07/2018 Practical Action   Resource Farmers Development for Introduction of Floating Vegetable Bed and Economical Utilization of Water Hyacinth at Catchment Level of Polder 55/2A + Polder 55/2C (Patuakhali).
15/07/2018 Win Miaki Ltd Integrated beneficial management of Water Hyacinth
11/07/2018 Acacia Water B.V. Freshwater pockets for Agriculture
12/07/2018 AgriWatch B.V. & GeoInfoSolutions Improved information in agriculture for adaptation of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) best practices in coastal Region,
15/07/2018 AIRN Alternate livelihoods through climate resilient farming
15/07/2018 LEDARS Promoting climate adaptation through Climate Smart Agriculture and water Management Technologies.
10/07/2018 Protect Environment from Adverse Climate Change (PEACE) Environmental Friendly and Climate change adaptive Livelihood Development for Vulnerable Women and other poor’s living in polder area.
12/07/2018 PSTU Improvisation of Homestead Plantation towards Socio-economic Development and Nutritional Security in the Coastal BGP Area
12/07/2018 PSTU Exploring Sustainable Intensive Crop Production Systems in the Polders of the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
15/07/2018 CNRS Smart Agricultural Resilience-building  Technologies (SMART) in coastal zone of Bangladesh
15/07/2018 SACO Carp Fish Fattening and live fish marketing Technology is an alternative income generating option of Polder Community under the BGP area
13/07/2018 Accel-agro Kandanath & Turkey production & supply chain
14/07/2018 Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Through Duck Farming: Use of fe-oiled rice bran as a novel source of protein to grow meat (Pekin) ducks in Bangladesh
10/07/2018 Protect Environment from Adverse Climate Change (PEACE) Duck rearing would be the sustainable livelihood option of rural poor among the Polder Community.
15/07/2018 C4RE Foundation Fruit village establishment in the polder area adopting tree improvement and management technology.
15/07/2018 Prottyon Empowerment of Women through involving in Community Based Fruit Tree Nursery
15/07/2018 AgriProFocus Making Agribusiness Work for Development in Blue Gold Polders
14/07/2018 RedOrange The TransFarmer Challenge
14/07/2018 RedOrange PaniNet- Knowledge Platform on Water Management
14/07/2018 SHARE-Bangladesh Capacitate Rural Women to Coping Climate Change Adaptation
31/01/2017 LCP Farmer Market Place
18/12/2017 Action Aid Unpaid care work
04/04/2018 TubeBarrier PWS -Popup Water Storage
14/02/2018 Green Soil Bag Low cost revetment of embankments with soil bags filled with grass seeds
04/05/2018 Ashroy Foundation Eco- friendly use of Water Hyacinth in Production of Vegetable at the Bank of Canals
10/07/2018 PEACE Resource Farmers Development for Introduction of Floating Vegetable Bed and Economical Utilization of Water Hyacinth at Catchment Level of Polder 55/2A and Polder 55/2C Patuakhali.
15/07/2018 C4RE Foundation Introduction of pot culture Practice of Vegetable for vegetable production in the homestead of WMG members for Food and nutritional Security in polder area.
11/07/2018 Carthago & WUR Exploring community-led water management strategies: Serious Gaming
23/06/2018 SaafConsult BV & Kumudini Welfare Trust Testing Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) based products for commercial use
15/04/2018 Delft University of Technology, JJS and Both Ends Building local capacity of water management groups/associations (through collective choice problem solving)