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From Blue Gold Program Wiki
- Annual Work Plans (AWPs) set out the activities planned for the year ahead and the associated budget requirements. The first two AWPs covered the calendar16 KB (2,029 words) - 03:32, 9 November 2021
File:AWP 2016 AnnualPlan201617V2.pdf (category AWP) Annual Work Plan 2016/17(1,240 × 1,754 (9.75 MB)) - 10:53, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2014 blue-gold-annual-plan-2014.pdf (category AWP) Annual Plan 2014(1,240 × 1,754 (4.84 MB)) - 10:54, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2015 Annual Plan 2015 v5 241214.pdf (category AWP) Annual Plan 2015(1,240 × 1,754 (6.3 MB)) - 10:53, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2015 16 Annual Work Plan 2015 - 2016 14 July 2015.pdf (category AWP) Annual Work Plan 2015/16(1,240 × 1,754 (4.77 MB)) - 10:54, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2018 19 Annual Work Plan 2018-2019 1aug 18.pdf (category AWP) Annual Work Plan 2018/19(1,240 × 1,754 (2.84 MB)) - 10:53, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2017 18 BGPAnnualPlan20172018.pdf (category AWP) Annual Work Plan 2017/18(1,240 × 1,754 (6.78 MB)) - 10:53, 22 July 2020File:AWP 2019 20 Annual Work Plan 2019-2020 10jul 19.pdf (1,275 × 1,650 (3.06 MB)) - 10:53, 22 July 2020File:17sep 20 Annual Work Plan 2020-21.pdf (category AWP) Annual Work Plan 2020/21 AWP(1,275 × 1,650 (4.01 MB)) - 08:42, 11 May 2021File:PR jan jun 2019 Half Yearly Progress Report Jan-Jun 2019.docx.pdf (matches file content) have prepared their Annual Action Plans (AWP) and are implementing accordingly • 35 WMAs have prepared their AWP and taken initiatives to ensure success(1,240 × 1,754 (2.85 MB)) - 19:06, 8 July 2020File:PR jul dec 2019 HYPR jul dec19 final.pdf (matches file content) have prepared their Annual Action Plans (AWP) and are implementing accordingly 35 WMAs have prepared their AWP and taken initiatives to ensure success(1,240 × 1,754 (2.29 MB)) - 18:53, 8 July 2020File:Bgp-llr-printable-edition-20211219.pdf (matches file content) Annual Work Plans (AWPs) set out the activities planned for the year ahead and the associated budget requirements. The first two AWPs covered the calendar(1,240 × 1,753 (20.78 MB)) - 06:04, 20 December 2021